Spring .... in my step!

Yesterday was the day my Children returned to School after holidays. Canberra turned on the most glorious winter day ever ( in my opinion )  The sky was stunning in the morning as we walked to school, though this pic was taken later in the day. there was no frost, the birds were busy and abundant.

Buoyed by the glorious weather I was so productive, Hanging washing, re potting plants, cleaning some of the floors, tidying away the evidence of holidays and even baking. Nothing seemed like too much effort in the sunshine and I got through most of my 'to dos'! In the afternoon I headed into the lovely warm studio and opened the window where I was greeted by the scent of this ....

Oh I wish you could smell it, it lifts my spirit insurmountably, its sweet but not sickly, fresh and ... well just delightful, I wish I knew for sure what it was. As best I can ascertain based on the growth habits of other plants in this garden it is a scented variety of clematis. I did not know that Clematis flowered in so vary many different forms until we lived here :) I somehow turned the flower images upside down before I exported them to my blog  ...lol Its a big old wild shrubby vine with stems reminiscent of honeysuckle.

The bees were loving it and I saw a few very yellow bee legs buzzing around out there as I stood under it drinking in the scent. 
Does sunshine have the same productive effect on you ?


  1. We have had some beautiful winters days most of this week although the nights have been extra chilly (for us!) Glad you are getting them as well :)


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