I admit ... I am smitten.

This little Blythe Doll has turned my creative world upside down. In a really good way!
and Yes I think I may possible be on the verge of becoming a collector ... possibly ...  Take a deep breath ( to my Mr ), I wont become a crazy doll lady I promise. I'm just having lots of fun.

Ella Serenity with Little Mr

I sew every day and work with yarn most days now too. I'm making lots and lots of doll clothes. I know Blythe Dolls are not for everyone but I will be sharing my sewing, knitting & crochet that I do for them here, as I would with anything I sewed or created. I will also do some posting about my dolls. So if you are not interested please just skip my dolly posts but stay for the rest :) I am only baking basics sporadically right now and will have some more vegie garden and general 'usual' stuff to share once school goes back. :) 

Katie Jones tucked up in bed.

I'm having a lot of fun photographing them and creating little scenarios and personalities. Now would also be a good time to introduce Katie Jones. My Daughters Blythe Doll - a simply chocolate and to tell you that I have another girl in transit too. :) I'll add a tab with each girls profile to the blog eventually for those who are dolly interested. My twitter steam is predominately Doll chat lately and you can see more pics of my girl/s on my flickr photo stream. All linked up there on the left :) Oh and everything I do with yarn is also being ravelled ( link up there too ) so friend, me follow me, tweet me ... if you want more. :) 

I was so excited to unpack my fabric this week!! Its been boxed up and accessible since Dec. but inconveniently accessible if that makes sense. My wonderful Mr suggested we move my craft cupboards out to the sewing table area we set up - this part of the house is now known as 'the studio' Moving the cupboards has opened up the meals area so well and I love that part of the house more now, well not the colour of it but the space is great!

Bags of fabric goodness

The table I had suggested would be a cutting table will actually be my sewing table, after this weekend. The trestle is not an ideal sewing surface with too much vibration. I'm so happy with how it is all coming together and delighted with the space, so so happy! I'm looking forward to sharing so pictures with you as it all evolves and once we get the table set up too. 
I have really enjoyed these school hols but we are all really ready for school to go back now and I think I will find it a bit difficult to get back into that morning School routine.

Happy weekend to you all. xx


  1. That sounds like a lovely hobby Tammy. I'm not sure they appeal to me so much but we'll wait and see if I have a choice my daughter hasn't 'spotted' them yet. LOL

    Have a great weekend!

    Anne xx

  2. Ooh, I'm looking forward to more doll talk, I'm contemplating getting a blythe doll for my daughters doll house x

  3. Looks like so much fun!! I agree, i use a wooden trestle for my sewing machines, not cutting, but it is dipping in the middle now, so i have machines at each end, not the centre. Love Posie

  4. Blythe away, any creating is fun and if it brings you enjoyment then thats the main thing.

  5. Goodness Tammy, i didnt realise they were so small!

  6. @LashyLashla Blythe Dolls are about the same height as Barbie Doll. :)

  7. Sounds like you are having fun making for your girls!

    I had a couple of disastrous attempts at dresses for mine so gave up, I did manage a few crochet helmets though!


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