
The early Stages of the process 
Removing the film
Run in and ready for dinner 

I have no real desire to bake, well a slight one.
 I'm tired had a rough night due to a fluey sore throat child not sleeping well. She's home from School today meaning much bickering with younger brother in her sick mood.

Tomorrow is the last day of School before the holidays start, if she feels well enough to go. This morning she said 'On the outside my body feels like it wants to jump up and play .... but on the inside I feel so sick.' She is Pale and tired. Poor little mite I hope it progresses quickly.

Electrician here most of the day fixing sticky switches. Replacing single power outlets with doubles. Installing the oven and a Tastic in the En-suite that has had no fan or heat.  Showering with the window open becoming much less of a desirable option as the weather is getting chillier.

More work for the electrician to do yet, but on another day :)
I may yet bake something and will at least use the oven for dinner :)


  1. Wow! It is wide isn't it!!
    Glad you have a working oven again, plenty of time for baking with school hols almost here :)

  2. Looks great Tammy! You won't have any problems fitting the Christmas turkey in that one. Hope your daughter is over her bug soon. Mine just vomited all over our bed. Oh dear!

  3. Wow I am jealous Natalie

  4. oooooh, shiiiiiny! happy baking, xxx

  5. I am just catching up with my comments. Sorry to hear about your poor sick daughter lets hope that this is the one and only flu/cold she has this autumn/winter. Now on to the oven. MMMmmmMMM it looks fantastic Tammy, and it doesn't matter when you get around to baking because when ever you decide to guess what it will be there a beautiful big mean cooking machine.

  6. OMG Tammy, I have just found this post.. is it possible to have oven envy?
    What a beauty - feels the need to go throw a sheet over the old, possessed oven we have..
    I am going to look forward to the photos of all the goodies that will come from this.. enjoy!


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