Kids are Messy.

Remnants of Dinner ( who's idea was it to but carpet in the dining area??)
Enjoying a drive in her new car.
Library bags filled with books, Sun hat and wooden puppet.
Trains and blocks, the tools of a little construction expert.
 Look at some of the amazing things on her table.  All from her own imagination and of her own doing
After breakfast - a sample.
Now for something different this is a playroom on a blog I enjoy reading!

Click on that image to go to the post and see her great toy storage solutions! 
Oh ...serenity.

Though I do note her pic seems to be taken at night and the kids are cropped out of mine ( at the paper table working on the bird and pushing the trains on the track ).
Its messy and the mess often drives me crazy but its the business of learning so I live with it :)

and I'm no perfect angel myself ... nor is the Mr. ; )


  1. that constant feeling of chasing your tail...

  2. You home looks beautiful to me ... signs of joy and creativity :o)

  3. Now if that was the breakfast table around here, I am sorry to admit that there would also be a dollop or three of soggy weetbix, dried and shrivelled - and now permanently attached. (I swear you could build houses with the stuff).

  4. I am sorry to say Tammy that even when your kids get older (19 & 17) the mess does not go away, it just evolves!

  5. I am always wiping our kitchen table, and its glass *sigh*

    Your home looks comfortable and welcoming and fun, what more does a family need?


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