This afternoon at our place ...

Little Mr Suffers with his first bike riding injury. Last week as we came down a slope on the way home from School he looked at me sheepishly out the corner of his eye and quietly said "Mum, my wheels want to go fast."
I asked "and are you telling me, because you want to let them go fast?"

His short response with a gleam in his eye "Yes"

So I let him go speeding down the hill, me walking behind wringing my hands, my heart thumping and my knuckles white, feeling fearful.

This afternoon he sped confidently down that same slope only pausing momentarily at the top of the much steeper decline to the underpass, where this morning he had let his breaks off about 1/4 the way down and raced the rest of the way. This afternoon he hit the brick/rock wall at the bottom of the underpass slope.
His knee and shin scraped, pride soundly wounded, forks of his bike burred and paint scratched off. 

Little does he know this is just the first of many and I fear he got off lightly this time, though he doesn't think so.

So following on that little bit of family history here is some loveliness from home.
Today held such amazing promise of spring in its sun and everywhere I looked I could see it.

My new cardi drying in the afternoon sun.

Some Scrappy Pin cushions waiting to be closed up.

Choc, white Choc chip cookies.

Date loaf ( yummy warm for afternoon tea )


A tulip holing water from yesterdays rain in its folds.

Healthy Happy lettuce.

Some fabric drying in the afternoon sun.


  1. There's a lot going on at your place today! I hope the little fella gets straight back on the bike. Well done to him for being fearless. x

    PS - please send those cookies over to me at immediately. Must have. Want. Oh, yum!

  2. 'Tis nice to see some sun isn't it and the early signs of spring!

  3. Oh poor thing. Love the way you descirbed your feelings as you let his "wheels" go fast. Thats it in a nutshell, but you have to let them do it.
    Love date slice and yours looks yum. Hope you put butter on it.
    (the girl image on my card is a Stamp from Hero Arts-sorry forgot to email you and reply).

  4. ouchie! hope he can soon enjoy his bike again.

    i've been enjoy the sun so much over the past few days as well :)

  5. you've been busy Tammy....lots of yummy creativity going on...seems the little one has been busy creating as well...i bet some yummy mummy nurturing has fixed him in no time...xx


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