Thinking about a week in the life.

After a bit more thought last night I decided it might be best to start on Friday after I give it some more thought and put a little planning into what format to use.
I haven't Scrapped for a long time let alone doing a project rather than a stand alone page so committing to this is in itself big. Also to a degree foreign. There is journalling involved. Recording information in words, not just pictures and embellishments. That should be easy right - I do blog. I don't have too much trouble with words.

I'm nervous and doubtful and excited about doing this.
I'll be cleaning off the camera lens tonight, the battery is charged.
I'm wondering if planning to document this week is good ?
This week where I have a bowl of tomatoes more than ready for use, some apples perhaps past ready for use.... Not to mention my neglected crisper.
How about no real routine happening with laundry, a work in crazy progress Garden, a weekend with Dave away and a time when potential big changes are happening.
Then I realise/think ... well that just IS my life. Its not perfect and if I wait for a perfect time then I'll never do this.

Sure there are times where I am much more on top of things than I am right now - for example the apples would not be past their use by date and my crisper would have all contents accounted for and there would be a plan for them. There would be hand made bread and plentiful baking.
I am hoping to rectify some of those things in the following days and will be documenting my week in the life on my blog too, perhaps not in the detail I will in my album but I'll share what I'm catching up on and some of my process.

At the end of the week I'll have something I hope to learn from and look back upon fondly at some time in the future.

BTW  I loved this post on Rhondas blog today! It comes at a good time for me.
down---to---earth: Simple living in your 30s


  1. Looking forward to following along with your week T.

  2. I got my cards today! Thanks so much, I love them!! Can't wait to use them, or maybe I'll keep them.......

  3. I used to keep a diary when I was younger and sometimes read it with fond memories of the feelings I've written on paper, sometimes cringe too. But it is always good to have and reflect back on at a later time. Enjoy your week, I look forward to sharing it with you.:)

  4. I often think about doing something like this & no, you'll never get a normal 'week' as that is life, especially with a husband (mine is away 300 days this year, i know, sad) & our 4 children have busy fun lives . . . school holidays, crazy time over at my blog. Love Posie


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