One of Childhoods simple joys


Combined with this 


Two amused and happy, muddy children.

and some tough washing.

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  1. Haha... how fun! Looks like you'll be doing even more washing! Glad to hear that you had a good break in Brisbane too. :)

  2. A big pat on the back for you Tammy for letting your children enjoy nature :)

  3. oh yes, we went flying kites & it was so much fun. i have mud thirsty children too. those parrots in your last post, just came to visit us here!! Love Posie

  4. ahhh isn't it the best fun.

  5. Oh it looks like they had such fun. Dont envy you the washing though.

  6. Now *that* looks like fun! :)

  7. Great stuff! Nothing wrong with a bit of dirt! :-D

  8. What a fun Mummy you are though I would have loved to see a photo of you jumping in with the kids!

  9. Your babies look just like mine this week. We have been playing in the mud too...We still need our coats so no short sleeves.

    Glad everyone is having fun and the yard looks very nice. We have that in common this week too...I had the cutters out to trim back the branches across the back of our flower bed. I had to wear my snow boots and sink in foot deep soft sugar looking snow to do it :))


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