I think I have a pattern

Thanks for all the help and advice girls, you are a great bunch. I have yet to pop on over to check out the link you gave me Nic (yardage girl) and am ready to call on my friend Leonie from Raglan Guld if need be, Your post from a while back about weighing down the pattern for cutting was rattling around in my head as I traced it out today, Leonie. So far so good though.
 I forgot to put a seam allowance on what I traced but will include it when I cut. There won't be any fabric cutting tonight as I'm off to work.
 Happy At least that I managed to transfer the pattern from that crazy sheet!


  1. Oh thats good to hear!! I hope it goes well. It will be a massive help to you now that the pattern is cut out. Yell out if you need more help, no promises, but we can give it a crack together!!

  2. ooh! well done! I have few issues of Burda WoF with pattern sheets like that - and i just don't know where to begin!

  3. Congrats on getting that far, I cant wait to see the finished product. Next time you will be an expert, and I will come to you when I am stuck!

  4. Good luck! Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  5. You sure do sound like a hard worker Tammy, always heading off to work... What do you do??
    Can;t waot to see how the oattern goes..

    Take Care
    Jodie :)


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