Its 5.30 ...

I think I'm supposed to be doing something else ... LOL ... Oh yeah preparing dinner maybe!

This is one of the worst things about sewing ... or working on the dining table.


  1. There was a bit of clearing away the craft to make room for dinner here too tonight. But I must admit that some crochet hooks, bamboo and a bowl are a bit easier than a sewing machine. Have you eaten that pie yet?

  2. I share your pain Tammy. Sometimes I wonder if we have a dining table I sew on, or a sewing table we dine on!!

  3. How nice it would be to have your own little space, but at the same time it is nice to share, one day maybe!:)

  4. oooo Tammy is that your bag in the making?

  5. This is hysterical...with a 960 sq ft house I have to work at the dining room table, too! And dinner is on the floor...picnic style!

  6. that whole dinner thing is overrated!


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